Clarity of Software Engineering

07 May 2023

Software Engineering Clarity

Driven Project Managment

As this class comes to an end, I have gained valuable knowledge. One of the various topics I learned was driven project management. Driven Project Management is a management style where projects are split into more minor tasks to be completed. Driven Project Management is not just only for web development. As long as projects are big enough Driven Project management can be applied. An example of this is my potential senior capstone project. My team and I are planning to renovate a system that takes images and processes those images for the GPS location of targets captured in the image. After processing the GPS data it will create a file of instructions for a quadcopter to fly to. We are improving the current system for live video feed instead of images and sending live commands instead of creating a file. The project can be divided into multiple algorithms, hardware, and application software. This way driven project management can be applied to all types of projects as long as it can be split into parts.

Coding Standards

Another topic that I learned was Coding Standards. Coding Standard is a way for programmers to code. It is a set of “rules” for programmers to follow. The set standard allows for the organization of the code so other programmers can follow and break down the code that the author wrote. Without Coding Standards it will be hard for programmers to add or edit a code. Coding Standards is good practice so it should be done every time code is written. I will continue to practice coding standards so I can improve myself as a software engineer.

Open Source Software Development

Open Source Software Development is software that people can learn and modify. It is free for the community to use. Open source is not just for web development. They are different types of open-source software. I am gonna start using open-source software to practice programming and also help prepare for my career.

Riding off to the Sunset

In conclusion, this class really helped me understand a path of software engineering. I was able to learn the fundamentals of software engineering concepts. It also helped me realize that I do not want to go into web development as a career. I did not find web development as interesting as embedded engineering.