
18 Jan 2023

JavaScript… Easy Language or Past Experience

Whenever I would see the The JavaScript logo, it always made me think that it was some sort of coffee brand. I would never have imagined it would be the fourth coding language I would learn. So far, I have learned Java, C, and Python. JavaScript has been the easiest of the four. Some of the reasons why I think it is the easiest of the four is because of the simple syntax, it does not have as many specific rules like Java or C and since I already know 3 other coding languages I have had a lot of practice. Learning the previous languages has made the transition easier for me.

Track Star

I have learned that I usually take more time in learning, understanding and feeling confident about a subject than some of my peers. Even though JavaScript may not be as challenging to me as other materials, I know I must practice regularly to continue improving. I often use an athletic engineering learning style in some of my other courses. I will attempt to apply this technique to coding because I know one of weaknesses is critical thinking. Critical thinking is highly needed in interview coding questions, so I often struggle finishing and doing well on practice ones. Hopefully this technique will allow me to learn and comprehend different and multiple areas of coding in order to apply them in critical thinking questions. This will then help me decrease the amount of time it takes to complete an interview coding question. Furthermore I will need to practice WODs. My first-time doing WODs, I was not able to finish. It took me three tries to get to average. Then again, the three tries are probably not accurate because it took me two failed attempts before I could complete the WOD in ten minutes. Athletic Engineering is basically just practice, practice, practice. There is no better way to get better at something than practicing. This method could be stressful at times because if I cannot get to a solution and I have been working on it for many hours and I’m on the hundredth attempt, it can be very frustrating. To help with that I take breaks so my mind can get refreshed. Even though this method is frustrating at times, it is the best method for me.

Finish Line

One of my proudest educational experiences was in Calculus 1 when I was in community college. I was able to get a B. This B was one of the most special grades I ever received. At the beginning of the quarter, I was really struggling in the class. I got a D on my first exam, and it made me discouraged. It made me consider if I was even capable of becoming an engineer. After receiving my grade on the first exam, I improved my studying methods and habits. I applied the athletic engineering method to my studying times. As a result of it, I got an A on my remaining exams. My experience in Calculus 1 really showed me that I could achieve what I wanted. It also showed me that a change in study habits by applying a new learning technique can really help.