Cant Get ESLint Errors... If You Code Better...

09 Feb 2023

Make You Better?

I’m messy, disorganized, and non-detail oriented. Coding standards can be really annoying but it has become very helpful to me. It forces me to properly structure my code. By implementing coding standards, it allows me to improve the quality of code. It looks cleaner with even spaces and indents. Coding standards allow the readers to easily look at the code and understand it. Coding standards are useful especially in group work because other teammates or anyone, in general, should be able to scan through the code and easily see what the person coded. I personally do not think coding standards help a person learn to code. For me to learn another language I would need to see the syntax rather than the structure of the code. The only way I think coding standards assist in learning a programming language is to be able to see the code clearly and cleanly.

Installation/Set Up Nightmare

My first week of ESLint was kinda stressful. The stressful part was not the errors that appeared but the installation of it. There were many steps that I had to follow and if I made a minor mistake it would result in ESLint not running. I had trouble installing Intellij and adding ESLint. Every time I would go to the command and type in “npm install” and “npm run lint”, errors would occur. It took me to uninstall and redo the steps to figure out the problem. I had to do this about 3 times before I could get it right. Other than the hours wasted setting it up, getting the green check marks have been easy so far. Yes, it is annoying to write a whole bunch of code and 50 million errors coming up, but surprisingly that has not happened to me. Maybe because we write small code.


Since solving ESlint errors is tedious and annoying, It makes me write code better. I try to make sure I type out the code properly first so I do not have to backtrack and fix it. Now please refer to the meme above. In the end, it is better to start practicing good habits now than trying to implement them later when you are working as a software engineer in a team.